
Amphetamine Addiction Treatment – PROMIS Rehab

Amphetamine addiction has and continues to ruin individuals’ lives and that of their families – with roughly 50,000 people per year seeking alcohol and drug addiction treatments in the UK, around 16% are stimulant users which include those suffering from amphetamine addiction. 

The numbers speak volumes about the persistent problem of this highly addictive drug, however, there is hope for those struggling with an amphetamine addiction – PROMIS Rehab Clinic provides a comprehensive approach to treatment with cutting-edge technology and an array of experienced clinicians with the utmost passion and drive to help those who most need it.

What Are Amphetamines? 

Prescription amphetamines like Adderall are stimulant drugs that affect the central nervous system and have been used to treat conditions of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, otherwise known as ADHD – they also have links with treatments for narcolepsy and obesity.

Although this is, of course, legal and regulated by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which ensures the safe practice, efficacy and quality of the drug when it’s used for medicinal purposes however, the Home Office regulates the possession, supply, and the import and export of the controlled and illegal version of the substance – which is categorised as a Class B drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.

Amphetamines, also known as ‘speed’ or ‘whizz’ on the streets, are typically used recreationally and give the user feelings of pleasure, euphoria, increased energy and alertness – they’re typically sold as tablets, capsules or in powder form and either snorted or taken orally as what they often call ‘bombs’. 

Although amphetamine use is popular among addicts for its pleasurable effects, the downside to this substance has a number of negative health impacts that affect individuals in various different ways.

Effects of Amphetamine Addiction

Amphetamines work by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain – these enhance the activity of these chemicals that then stimulate the body which is responsible for providing the euphoric and pleasurable effects.

However, amphetamines have a bad side to them – they can keep the user awake or “high” for multiple days, clearly causing sleep disruption. It also substantially suppresses hunger – sometimes the user can go without eating for several days before they even notice, essentially leaving them running on fumes.

It’s important to note that the long-term use of amphetamines can lead to addiction which causes a number of physical symptoms with negative consequences; heart problems, high blood pressure and insomnia, just to name a few however as with most substance abuse cases, there are also impacts on an individual’s psychological well-being and mental health – with many who abuse amphetamines experiencing hallucinations and paranoia.

Those who have been taking the drug for a prolonged period also have difficulties with amphetamine withdrawal when they stop taking it – often reverting back to using as the uncomfortable symptoms, both physical and mental, can be overwhelming without the proper help and support from medical professionals. 

Using the drug may also land you into trouble, after all, it is illegal – just having possession of amphetamines is enough for a fine, even prison if it’s in large quantities.

It goes without saying that many amphetamine addicts will chase their next fix and like most addicts, they will do just about anything to achieve that – effectively putting themselves on the line of the law.

How Do You Get Addicted To Amphetamines?

It’s fair to say that people live diverse lives – so becoming addicted to amphetamines or developing a dependence will vary from person to person and will depend on a variety of different factors including; their background and upbringing, reasons behind the initial use, peer pressure and other social situations that could have affected their mental health.

Although the reasons extend far and wide – here are some examples of how someone suffering from an amphetamine addiction may have become subject to this condition.

Environmental Factors

A person’s background or upbringing could have played a huge part in the development of such abuse and addiction – while it’s not an excuse, certain situations or experiences during childhood could have influenced someone into this kind of behaviour. 

Sometimes people grow up around drugs, almost normalising them – even glorifying them in some cases. If this particular behaviour is seen from an early age then it can most certainly play a part in how drug abuse is interpreted and thus potentially leading an individual to take amphetamines.

Although this is not a golden rule by any means, there are plenty of people who have been through toxic childhoods and have come out the other side just fine – however, people are influenced in different ways and it’s definitely something to consider when trying to identify a root cause to this behaviour.

Initial Use

Even though it can seem obvious that the initial use is why you would addicted in the first place, it’s not always as clear-cut as it may seem.

For example, someone with an amphetamine addiction may have started through prescription medication for a medical condition such as a sleep disorder however, over time they may have built a tolerance and needed more of the substance to function normally.

Perhaps the amphetamine addiction started as a way to stay on top of high-pressure situations that required long hours such as work or studies – it’s easy to think of an addict as someone who chose that life however, it’s important not to judge too quickly as the reasons behind the addiction are not always what they seem.

Social Aspects

There may be other cases where social aspects have influenced the decisions of individuals.

Peer pressure from friends is common throughout the teenage years which has many falling victim to trying dangerous and highly addictive substances – the desire to fit in or be accepted has many engaging in this type of activity. While dabbling in amphetamines recreationally can seem innocent enough at first – the potential for it to escalate into a full-blown amphetamine addiction is not unheard of and often can lead to other types of drug taking.

Sometimes simply the availability of amphetamines can be enough to influence a person – if it’s readily available and everyone else is doing it, then maybe it’s ok.

This also speaks for the world of social media in today’s digital world, more and more influencers glamorise drug taking on the internet which again, is there for everybody to see.


A traumatising event in life can have a major impact on someone’s mental health, sometimes causing severe psychological symptoms where a person feels the need to self-medicate to relieve themselves of the pain.

While doctors may prescribe medication for particular mental health disorders, not everyone feels they can take that approach leaving them to find solutions on their own accord.

Someone taking amphetamines for traumatic experiences may feel temporary relief however, it is not a sustainable solution – mental health issues and addiction can be difficult however, coping techniques should be delivered through professional support which can be found in treatment programs for amphetamine addiction.

Signs of Amphetamine Abuse

Signs and symptoms of addiction to amphetamines are important to recognise – especially if you think someone you love may be feeling the effects of amphetamine abuse.

Although there are plenty of signs to be wary of, it’s important to note that addiction is a condition – it’s not always easy to stop taking amphetamines and a considerate approach must be taken when challenging a loved one on their issues.

Symptoms of amphetamine abuse can be categorised into the following; physical signs, psychological signs, behavioural signs and withdrawal symptoms.

Here are some shortlists for identifying potential telltale signs that are associated with taking amphetamines – if you think someone you care about is experiencing some of the following, it’s crucial to take action and get help as soon as reasonably possible.

Physical Signs

  • Increased energy and hyperactivity
  • Dilated pupils
  • Weight loss or decreased appetite
  • Insomnia or irregular sleep patterns
  • Excessive sweating or dry mouth
  • Tremors or twitching
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Changes in hygiene or personal appearance

Psychological Signs

  • Euphoria or heightened sense of well-being
  • Increased confidence or grandiosity
  • Irritability, mood swings, or hostility
  • Anxiety or paranoia
  • Poor concentration or decreased academic/work performance
  • Changes in motivation or loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
  • Cravings for amphetamines
  • Mental health issues such as depression or psychosis (in severe cases)

Behavioural Signs

  • Restlessness or agitation
  • Talkativeness or rapid speech
  • Increased impulsivity or risk-taking behaviour
  • Engaging in secretive or suspicious behaviours
  • Neglecting personal or professional responsibilities
  • Relationship problems or conflicts with family and friends
  • Financial difficulties or unexplained need for money
  • Changes in social circles or new associations with drug-using individuals

Withdrawal Symptoms

  • Fatigue or excessive sleepiness
  • Increased appetite and weight gain
  • Depression, irritability, or anxiety
  • Intense drug cravings
  • Disturbed sleep patterns

Amphetamine Treatment Options

Treatment for amphetamine addiction has various options and here at PROMIS Clinic, we are proud to offer some of the best treatment plans in the UK that are suited to the individual’s needs – we tailor specifically to each of our clients to maximise the best possible results.

Inpatient Treatment

Our inpatient residential treatment facility provides our clients with the ability to retreat to a safe location away from the challenges of day-to-day life.

Our private drug rehabs have two spectacular locations for you to choose from, where our professional and compassionate medical team will take care of you – every step of the way.

Our treatment programmes cover a full detox – where you can rid the body of unwanted toxins once and for all, and a range of addiction therapy sessions with our in-house counsellors and mental health professionals.

Outpatient Treatment

At PROMIS, we understand that it can be difficult to attend a residential rehab centre and it may not fit around your schedule – that’s why we also offer an outpatient addiction treatment plan to help you overcome your addiction within the comfort of your own home. 

Aftercare Treatment

Going through rehab is a difficult process and once the programme concludes – the real challenges can begin. Integrating back into society can be for some, a worrying concept, as they have to now face day-to-day life on their own.

However, PROMIS has adopted a carefully planned aftercare treatment programme with the aim of supporting our clients with the transition.

We provide counselling and talking therapies that help with discussing fears about potential relapses and other concerns that may be affecting the patient.


At Promis Rehab Clinic, we have two beautiful locations for you to choose from – whether it’s our countryside residence in Kent or our City retreat in the heart of London, we have you covered.

We pride ourselves in providing the best addiction recovery programmes for amphetamines that are accompanied by effective counselling and therapy – tailored to suit you!

Take control of your life and begin your recovery journey with PROMIS – contact us today and find out we can help.



Amphetamine addiction is a type of drug abuse that involves regular use and continued craving for amphetamines. Over time, this can lead to an increase in tolerance which means more dosage will be needed to achieve the same effects. Amphetamine is commonly abused by people who want to experience intense euphoria, increased focus, and a sense of energy in order to do more work.

Amphetamine addiction is accompanied by other symptoms such as mood swings, weight loss, and sleep deprivation. In the long term, amphetamine abuse can lead to malnutrition, cardiovascular problems, anxiety disorders, and paranoia.


Users take amphetamines orally, by snorting them, and by injecting them. They may also inhale the drug as a powder or smoke/vaporise liquid amphetamines for intravenous injection.


Short-term amphetamine use can cause a variety of side effects, ranging from anxiety and irritability to heart attacks. Long-term use may lead to addiction or other medical problems such as heart disease, stroke, and seizures.


Long-term use or abuse of amphetamine can cause a person to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, psychosis (seeing and hearing things that are not there), hallucinations (false beliefs like someone is out to get you), and depression.

Amphetamine can also cause a person’s blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature to increase which can lead to stroke or death from overheating.


Amphetamines are one of the most addictive substances in existence. A person can become addicted to amphetamines by using them for as few as two days, and withdrawal symptoms may last up to a year.


If someone is using amphetamines, they will show many of the same symptoms as other stimulant drugs such as cocaine or methamphetamine. These include:

  • Nervousness and irritability
  • Increased heart rate
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • The person may also display signs of withdrawal, such as:
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia
  • Nervousness and irritability
  • Increased heart rate
  • Trouble sleeping

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